4.8 out of 5
39 total ratings.

April F. (Verified buyer) 01/18/2020
Quite nice on vegetables. Haven’t made a curry with it, but put it on cauliflower and it improved it a lot without adding fat. Mild and flavorful.

April F. (Verified buyer) 01/18/2020
Quite nice on vegetables. Haven’t made a curry with it, but put it on cauliflower and it improved it a lot without adding fat. Mild and flavorful.

April F. (Verified buyer) 01/18/2020
Quite nice on vegetables. Haven’t made a curry with it, but put it on cauliflower and it improved it a lot without adding fat. Mild and flavorful.

Myra B. (Verified buyer) 09/02/2019
very good curry powder I know it's just my taste, but for me it has a bit too much cardamon or fenugreek. Can't tell which. I will use this for certain thinks where I use coconut milk, or something slightly sweet, etc. Will order another one soon to try, slightly hotter.